Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Radio Shack Return Policy Without Receipt


It 's a strange world ... always fascinated me, and yet, every time, manages to disappoint me a little more.

It 's a world of sad people, that something is missing.
But I keep walking. A hard working "only" for a smile more.

In our hands there is all the infinite power of the mind. It would be nice to put it always at hand, with truth, honesty, joy and serenity. Having fun and embracing all that surrounds us, not to be alone up there. Height more generous but most despicable of all, if the infinite power of the mind we hide it and there we keep for ourselves.

Occasionally, however, is a struggle against the windmills ... deaf, blind and dumb.
And the scariest thing of all is not to see, is not heard ... you have nothing to say.
Now ?....

To see, hear, and say you must have a purpose, a mission for everyone. To save the beauty. To retrieve the smiles and make them fly high. To return each year to sing like the swallows.