Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cervix High And Soft Before Period

"Prima o poi tutti i nodi vengono al pettine"

thought it was just a saying.
One of those stories that you tell when you're small.
But it happens. It happens.

nodes can arrive all at once or gradually. A day like any other.
And then the scallop, as it passes between his teeth, long hair, at some point it stops, as blocked.
A node.
A problem to be solved. Another
A skein to unravel. A
A riddle to solve.

say " Cabbages were not stories." All the "I told " are finally clean and clear.

"If you sit along the river bank to wait, sooner or later you'll pass the corpse of your enemy."

And slowly it is as if everything was awake from the torpor. Finally

Monday, October 19, 2009

Blue Bandana Clothing

Moving (again) Last night

Hello everyone!

The blog has moved to re-

Monday, October 12, 2009

Eyebrow Wax And Tanning

10 ottobre 2009 - Una serata speciale

Why is it important to be a team.
It ottongono wonderful results ..
I am moved ... Hand clapping and the smiles of all.
Their happiness makes me happy, infinitely.

Thanks for believing in me. It 's the best gift ....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bone Cancer In The Thumb


Every time I remove the bookmark from the novel I was reading, a strange feeling comes over me. As if all the hours people were part of me.
And every time I want to remind them I'll just take that book still in his hands and breathing in the scent ..

I want to write ...