Thursday, December 13, 2007

How To Disintigrate Jello


From places can not be ignored, whether virtual or real. Pronounced these words, it must be noted for some time was in a serious discussion. It was the French sociologist Marc Augé has not explicitly talk about places, such as portions of the impersonal space like airports, highways, shopping centers. But today even the policy has always been considered close to the feelings and passions, appear to fall into this category.
The new Democratic Party would get rid of the sections, which in any case have now been abandoned by most Italian parties. Would fall as the last bastion of the presence of territorial politics.
What is critical is not the destruction of old ways of participation, but the absence of viable substitutes to offer. Innovation does not mean destroying what works more like a time without the aspiration to develop new projects.
Policy impersonal and incapable of a living community and substantial move away permanently from the democratic model of public management.


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