Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hook Up For People With Herpes

And here I am, to start all over again from the beginning. For various reasons I decided to quit my
old blog (which I have not intention to delete) and start writing again in this new space.
I am Eleanor. A girl like many others, maybe not.
am a novice writer. I hope to become a "real" writer.
I have never particularly loved the presentations. This is why from now on to minimize talk and I will let my poems and my texts to speak for me.

Since this is my first post on this blog, let me share with you a poem to which they are most fond of. With this text, entitled "Come find me, 'I won my first writing contest and published my first book, a collection of poems the same title .

Come find me: I was there

where it ends the day and the moon reigns.

I find

where silence reigns and does not recognize color;
beyond the fog thickens.

will walk to a dead end, where the sounds are heard

and the light never shines;
the edge of the world.

recognize me
following the bitterness of my tears
intense smell,
certainly not an off-beats of the heart.

Over there you'll find, O Lord, the soul
vagante e smarrito,
il corpo ormai lacerato,
della figlia che hai dimenticato.

Vieni a cercarmi:
perduta ancor non sono!
Sospesa tra luce e morte,
delle tue calde parole
voglio udire il dolce suono.

Vieni a liberarmi!
In esto luogo troppo ho vissuto,
la prova รจ finita!
E io ancora sono viva!


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