Thursday, November 22, 2007

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violent images, images you've seen before. Barbarism recovery in this video shot by ultras Lazio, "diehard" it is no surprise. We talk about every day, but the solution does not come.
It should be easy to find the sending of the coil. E'incredibile as spectators, the fans, they were able to give un'organizzazzione so complex. Certainly many were heavy and the collusion. Political parties's extremely right and far left have provided significant resources, both material and symbolic. For example, the Livorno fans are found in sections of the political comuniste.Il phenomenon was also fueled by the clubs, instead, we now suffer. The heads of supporters had been used to drag people in the stands today is not so: the closing stages to prevent fatal collisions.
During the long debate on hooliganism an issue on which little has been INSIS was that of the young age of many ultras. Yet the alarm era già scattato. Nell'omicidio dell'ispettore Filippo Raciti il ragazzo indagato è un minorenne. Se è così, se la guerriglia fa leva soprattutto sui giovanissimi un po'di colpa ricade inevitabilmente anche sulle famiglie. I genitori dovrebbero essre i primi guardiani, pronti ad affrontare i figli. Le lotte generazionali possono essere più costruttive di quelle tra forze dell'ordine e bande di tifosi esagitati.


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