Saturday, November 24, 2007

Can You Eat Ramen When You Have The Stomach Flu

studenti anti-sarko

The French student union, UNEF, in solidarity with their compatriots who oppose the reforms by Nicolas Sarkozy. After the railways, urban public transport and also the employees of theaters including the university mobility. The left-wing students do not digest the recognition of the autonomy to universities. Perhaps this reasoning is only an excuse, maybe the university "our cousins" could not rsistere from "carousing" with the others especially if the enemy call Sarko. French is definitely the leader with a strong charisma that has earned him many plaudits, but also the hostility of some sections of the population.
Young French people have always been ready to take to the streets. This was indeed the Sixty-eight when they were the first in Europe to raise the dust of the revolt. More recently, when he was President Chirac, have rebelled against the precariousness and then against racial discrimination. A connection can not be forgotten clashes in suburbs: the riots carried out by immigrants from the Maghreb to the third generation.
often depart from universities across the Alps of sparks, but the flame seems sepegersi before the bomb blasts. I mean "a lot of smoke and no fire." The French geventù not give the impression of wanting to address and then solve the problems that afflict it.
Even the protests against Sarkozy appear aligned with the traditional get up in the head in Paris.


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