I have no heart
and I am proud of it -
If I had one -
Life would be misery!
My chest is just an empty shell.
And I don't care
if my body is cold -
I am already dead -
Don't you know?
I cannot love,
rage, I have never met,
I ignore the pain.
But I do not live in vain!
I can walk
and scream
and talk, it still works
this forgotten soul!
I dream of living
world made of ice.
Only there,
Where the sun does not shine, my angry mind
an illusion of peace
Would finally find.
do not have heart and I'm proud -
If I had one -
Life would be misery!
is only an empty shell.
And I do not care if the body is cold -
are already dead -
Do not you know?
I do not know what love is,
grudge, I never met him, I do not know
But I do not live in vain!
I can walk,
and scream, and talk
still exists,
forgotten soul!
dream of living in a world of ice.
Only in that place where the sun never shines
, the
my furious mind
an illusion of peace would last.
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