Thursday, April 30, 2009

Welcome Greeting From Church

Muto silence

I used to wield a pen like a deadly weapon, and with it

writing to vent anger and resentment
of pain on a piece of paper.
me punished for the ardor of my silent voice.
I can not explain otherwise

because the heart has exhausted all the words!
Melancholy, once
made me invincible. His company
filled the void of magic;
seized it with a
pen to transform it into thoughts
and not risk losing it ...
Now I know the immense loneliness.
E 'mute silence.
Clear the air where I left my complaint
hands, cold, swinging in the air, clutching a weapon
mouth, dry,
opens without a sound. I lived through

only fragments of a soul
printed in black and white over time. Now we have only

nothing more bleak.
The Muse does not speak.
My World is off.

(c) Eleanor Grana, 2009


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