Saturday, October 9, 2010

1 2 Cup Butter Substitute Coconut Oil

La pulizia è una cosa importante

Paris, Sunday, October 10, 2010 (h.03.21)

not supposed to throw a bucket of water from the sixth floor in someone's head could be so fun ..
say that if two characters, rather persistent, persevere in their work of "pain in the ass at night (around 4:30 in the morning about ..........), sooner or later a" shower atypical " you get, no?
I'll tell you what happened: last night Mati and I wanted to spend a quiet evening . Sun, you and I (for the first time since I arrived Tuesday evening), talking, laughing, eating pasta with broccoli and listen to music (more like Norah Jones. You know: Nore between us of course).
However .. Our evening ended at 2.30. A full belly, tired and puffy eyes to sleep. "Night night " and sleep.
An hour after the cell Mati is a ring. I wake up. I do not hear and respond back to sleep.
I go back to sleep. After 20 minutes start to ring even my phone! I get scared and run to see. Panicked think something happened at home. Instead ... was a friend "nice" of Mati. Pissed off like few in the face and hang up the phone I turn it off. I think, but I'm looking at you fool! [to be read or opened, to Messina].
back to sleep .. if not that, at the dawn of 4.30 in the morning, someone knocks on the door repeatedly.
One fear that I was going to tip over out of bed! I knock knock you stop for a moment and this is the home phone starts ringing. And play, play, play, play, play, play, play, play ................ E. Then he stops. away again that "someone very sympathetic to" start with toc, toc, toc, toc ....
Mati rushes towards the door. Confident and with the face of Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver opens. Watch two stupid men in the eyes saying "Out of my way."
The two "poor dear" go away with tail between his legs, while I commend the courage and fermazzi of Mati.
I ragazzini pensavano di venire qui a far "bisboccia" e fare quattro chiacchiere, farci ridere.
Alle quattro e mezza della mattina???!!!
Ma.. che vediamo? I due rimbecilloni sono fermi sui loro velib ... PROPRIO SOTTO LA NOSTRA FINESTRA..
"Direi che è un'idea geniale!"
Partiamo in quarta verso il bagno. Matilde riempie un secchio nella doccia e l'altro nel lavandino (niente vasca. A Parigi pare non sappiano dell'esistenza of this object .. as much as that of the bidet ....).
Meanwhile, without seeing me, I look out the window to calculate the trajectory of the bucket millimetrola.
Mati comes with ten liters of fresh fresh Arquette .
One .. two ... treeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Schciafffffff !!!!!!!!!! PRESIIIIIIIII.
What about ... I think that I had never had so much fun in my life. And I never thought of the fun of taking a shower at someone.
But, you know, cleaning is an important thing, right?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Emerald Rom Gameshark

Ji, 2x2 e il mito

Paris, Friday, October 8, 2010 (h.14.35)

Ji is a lovely Korean girl of 29 years in Europe and 30 Koreans [think Koreans have the calendar of 12 lunar months and solar, ed.]
Ji is a force of nature. The most exquisite girl Matilda who could meet in a city like Paris confusing and seductive.
La generosità e l'armonia di Ji sono disarmanti. Ieri sera ha preparato una cenetta fa-vo-lo-sa nell'appartamento più piccino che voi possiate immaginare: riso basmati con polpette agrodolci (gnam!) e una ricetta tutta sua con patate dolci, salsa di yogurt, pesche, broccoli e scaglie di mandorle [credetemi quando vi dico che era tutto OTTIMO].
Rimango scovolta ogni volta che la immagino nei suoi 2 metri X 2 di appartamento.. ma lo fa con una naturalezza e una gioia tale che sembra tutto semplicissimo. Insomma, ho trovato il mio mito.
Viva Ji e tutti i ragazzi che vivono a Parigi e riescono a sopravviverci in a tiny square meter, with the explosion of life around the world.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What Does Epsom Salt Do

Joie de vivre

Paris, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (h.20.43)

Unless one is a millionaire, any person right mind would stay away from the Champs-Elysees and the stores.
But given that the undersigned is not so healthy ... you pull the right conclusions.
Shopping in part .. Today was a day full of joie de vivre!
The sun shining, the blue blue sky, the smells dei fiori e delle foglie secche..
I bambini giocavano pieni di colori: "Madame, s'il vous plaît, la balle.. merci" . Mancava un dentino sicuramente in quel dolce visino.
Più in là un uomo suonava la chitarra. Divinamente. Il veno ci acarezzava, ci dondolava, cullava.
Un clochard teneva il ritmo con la mano sulle ginocchia. Era così felice. Non aveva nulla ed era felice. Di vivere, semplicemente.
Ad un certo punto guarda un signore lì vicino "Monsieur, ya du soleil. C'est beau . ..
The joy of living in all of us ... Just look good.

Benefits Drinking Coconut Milk

La solitudine

Paris, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (h.12.32)

A small bar near Bastille.
Smells of strangers, clear and sincere words between old and new friends.
But then you turn around and discover a whole world of loneliness. In glasses and glasses of beer.
A loneliness palpable in every look empty and sad ... I wonder why ...
The answer is in their eyes, at the bottom of the glasses. The darkness.
pain, deep, invade me.
The hour is late now. Let's go back home.
E la città si schiude come una corolla alle prima ore dell'alba: splendida e silenziosa.
Però non ho paura. Mi sento tranquilla. Come se fossi a casa mia...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mcfarlane Value Guide

Vino, sorrisi e cielo grigio

Paris, Mercoledì 6 ottobre 2010 (h.18.46)

The gray weather reminds me 'London ... city \u200b\u200bthat I have never even visited among others .. I feel a bit 'stupid to say ... cmq so it is.
The neighborhood is friendly jew .. even the Parisians. Just be more gentle of the nicest people in the world. And then .. many smiles here gooders. Macchisenefrega! We Italians are good, their do-gooders. The important thing is that there are smiles, no?
Tonight we expect the Vintage Festival in Montmartre! Liters of wine and, I presume, a headache for the apocalyptic tomorrow.
But, as Ross said, the poor, " tomorrow ... is another day ...