Thursday, October 7, 2010

Benefits Drinking Coconut Milk

La solitudine

Paris, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (h.12.32)

A small bar near Bastille.
Smells of strangers, clear and sincere words between old and new friends.
But then you turn around and discover a whole world of loneliness. In glasses and glasses of beer.
A loneliness palpable in every look empty and sad ... I wonder why ...
The answer is in their eyes, at the bottom of the glasses. The darkness.
pain, deep, invade me.
The hour is late now. Let's go back home.
E la città si schiude come una corolla alle prima ore dell'alba: splendida e silenziosa.
Però non ho paura. Mi sento tranquilla. Come se fossi a casa mia...


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