Thursday, December 13, 2007

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From places can not be ignored, whether virtual or real. Pronounced these words, it must be noted for some time was in a serious discussion. It was the French sociologist Marc Augé has not explicitly talk about places, such as portions of the impersonal space like airports, highways, shopping centers. But today even the policy has always been considered close to the feelings and passions, appear to fall into this category.
The new Democratic Party would get rid of the sections, which in any case have now been abandoned by most Italian parties. Would fall as the last bastion of the presence of territorial politics.
What is critical is not the destruction of old ways of participation, but the absence of viable substitutes to offer. Innovation does not mean destroying what works more like a time without the aspiration to develop new projects.
Policy impersonal and incapable of a living community and substantial move away permanently from the democratic model of public management.

Friday, November 30, 2007

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pubblicato in Italia "Patrimonio. Una storia vera" di Philip Roth

It is very strange that a book written by a Pulitzer Prize in 1991 released in the United States is published in Italy until the end of 2007. Not quite everything travels in real time!

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bye bye grembiule

What happened to the apron? Become optional at the end of the seventies resists for about twenty years, then decline. By now wear only the children of kindergartens and occasional schoolboy. It is strange that something so everyday until a few years ago, disappear without a sound. Yet many mothers and even a considerable number of teachers they appreciate it more. In fact, the apron is destined to certain death because they do not like to direct recipients: children. When they want no one can resist.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

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studenti anti-sarko

The French student union, UNEF, in solidarity with their compatriots who oppose the reforms by Nicolas Sarkozy. After the railways, urban public transport and also the employees of theaters including the university mobility. The left-wing students do not digest the recognition of the autonomy to universities. Perhaps this reasoning is only an excuse, maybe the university "our cousins" could not rsistere from "carousing" with the others especially if the enemy call Sarko. French is definitely the leader with a strong charisma that has earned him many plaudits, but also the hostility of some sections of the population.
Young French people have always been ready to take to the streets. This was indeed the Sixty-eight when they were the first in Europe to raise the dust of the revolt. More recently, when he was President Chirac, have rebelled against the precariousness and then against racial discrimination. A connection can not be forgotten clashes in suburbs: the riots carried out by immigrants from the Maghreb to the third generation.
often depart from universities across the Alps of sparks, but the flame seems sepegersi before the bomb blasts. I mean "a lot of smoke and no fire." The French geventù not give the impression of wanting to address and then solve the problems that afflict it.
Even the protests against Sarkozy appear aligned with the traditional get up in the head in Paris.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

How To Disintegrate Jello


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anger against Roma and Romanians has no boundaries. After the murder of Giovanna Reggiani hands of a Rumanian citizen of Roma origin, Romulus Mailat intolerance against nomadic immigrants is also colored red, has become something left. Before Bologna, Florence and Rome now raises his voice against immigrants.
The first video was shot by right wing groups today can certainly be shared by many Italians, of many parts politiche. Magari per qualcuno risulterà un tantino violento.
Tutto questo per dire che un allarme per gli ingressi indiscriminati di cittadini romeni, c'è anche un allarme razzismo. Si tende con troppa facilità a fare di tutta un erba un fascio. Il secondo video ne è una dimostrazione. Un padre con un bambino in braccio sbraita a tutto campo contro gli "zingari". Il signore inizia ad inveire contro Marco Ahmetovic, il rom che, sette mesi fa, ubriaco alla guida ha ucciso quattro ragazzi. Partito da questo grave episodio finisce per lanciare accuse tutti i nomadi.
In questi ultimi giorni i toni hanno superato ogni limite. La xenofobia è diventata politically correct e tutti hanno approfittato del momento per sfogarsi.
E' così had to intervene, the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano: "Woe to go to attitudes of indiscriminate accusation. We've heard that the Roma, that all Romanians, are evil, something which our country should be afraid. Do not be fear but must be integrated.

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violent images, images you've seen before. Barbarism recovery in this video shot by ultras Lazio, "diehard" it is no surprise. We talk about every day, but the solution does not come.
It should be easy to find the sending of the coil. E'incredibile as spectators, the fans, they were able to give un'organizzazzione so complex. Certainly many were heavy and the collusion. Political parties's extremely right and far left have provided significant resources, both material and symbolic. For example, the Livorno fans are found in sections of the political comuniste.Il phenomenon was also fueled by the clubs, instead, we now suffer. The heads of supporters had been used to drag people in the stands today is not so: the closing stages to prevent fatal collisions.
During the long debate on hooliganism an issue on which little has been INSIS was that of the young age of many ultras. Yet the alarm era già scattato. Nell'omicidio dell'ispettore Filippo Raciti il ragazzo indagato è un minorenne. Se è così, se la guerriglia fa leva soprattutto sui giovanissimi un po'di colpa ricade inevitabilmente anche sulle famiglie. I genitori dovrebbero essre i primi guardiani, pronti ad affrontare i figli. Le lotte generazionali possono essere più costruttive di quelle tra forze dell'ordine e bande di tifosi esagitati.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

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