Wednesday, October 15, 2008

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Il re canta alla sua regina...

"Hey can you see my crown? Watch the red coat and this throne and the carpet looks I'm the king and this is my castle, my kingdom extends to infinity along the valleys of the mountains, sky and sea I am the re del tempo e della storia io sono il re venitemi a guardare perché sono innamorato e sono corrisposto io sono il re io sono il re di questo posto senza regno ne corona con una donna che mi vuole bene io sono il re ma lo so solo io e lo sai solo tu amore mio nessuno può veder la mia corona ma sono il re io sono il re in persona perché sono innamorato e sono corrisposto io sono il re io sono il re di questo posto senza regno ne corona con una donna che mi vuole bene con una donna che mi vuole bene."




When I find 'his Queen


and just give 'the flowers.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tinker Bell Cake Toppers

Amo le mie due città

I love walking in this city as a tourist, with the nose and eyes wide open. You lose a lot of wonders not looking up.
this season then ... You can see the yellow leaves falling off the foot, as if to say goodbye to your step with a little bow, the buildings, those 800, large, impressive but alive. In their windows reflects what's out there, life, what goes around, like a photograph.

I love getting lost in my city. Later that evening, when I return from work. A jazz music in the ears and the empty square, all to myself. I could run, scream, dance .. but I just walk with my smile, happy for that gift. One autumn evening, with a slight breeze caressing your cheeks, hands in his pockets, humming Hannah ..
is to be lost in moments like this ... and never come back.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Game Planitary Pinball On Funbrain

At the end of the trip .. at the beginning of wonderful memories .. Poetry and music

Abbracci, strette di mano, sorrisi, profumo, lenzuola, coperta colorata, caffè, biscotti, camminate, sguardi, Colosseo, Villa Borghese, risate, lacrime, commozione, nuove amicizie, affetto, profondità infinite, cielo blu, gatti, trattorie, Trastevere, assenzio, pagine di un nuovo libro, profumo di carta, aroma, autunno, sole, meraviglia, riscoperta, affascinata, colori brillanti, occhi, azzurro, rincorrersi, chitarra, note, canzoni a sguarcia gola, scherzi, battute, giochi, fotografie, bianco e nero, ricoprirmi di sensazioni..

How To Block A Number On Samsung Reclaim

Questa di Marinella è la storia vera
che scivolò nel
river in spring, but the wind that saw her so beautiful
from the river brought upon a star
Only without the memory of pain
you lived without the dream of a love
but a king without a crown and unescorted
knocked three times a days at your door
white as the moon on his hat as
love her red cloak
you followed him without a reason
as a boy follows a kite
And the sun was out and had beautiful eyes he'll
kissed your lips and hair
there was a moon and your eyes were tired
he put his hands over your hips
were kisses and smiles were
then there were only cornflowers
who saw through the eyes of the stars tremble
the wind and kiss your skin
They also say that while returning
somehow slid into the river
and he wanted to believe that you died a hundred years
knocked at your door
This is your song that you flew in Marinella

sky on a star and like all the finest things
you lived only one day, like roses
And like all the finest things
you lived only one day, like roses.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

How To Shoot Up A Lortab 10?

closer and closer to my Roman Holiday

dreams ...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hacking A Usb License


With Eastern Promises, David Cronemberg continued to study the genesis of violence in society and power relations between men, an investigation began with A History of Violence. But if in the latter film, the subject was treated in the abstract, almost like an allegory, a parable about the rise of violence in Eastern Promises is the issue in context and exemplified by the story of a powerful family the Russian mafia. The story is set in London but in reality takes place within the world of Russian immigrants, viewed from two different angles. On the one hand, in fact, we have the honest and modest family, personified nurse Naomi Watts, the other, the dark world of the Russian mafia, peopled with characters as enigmatic and disturbing as the chauffeur factotum Viggo Mortensen, as violent, fragile and ridiculous, as the boss's son Vincent Cassel.
And it is when these two worlds meet exploding the dynamics of dominance and release the identities of the characters that combine to turn out only in the final. Cronemberg plays with multiple personalities, as has always loved to do since the days of Dead Ringers, but this time in history a part of social pathos in his little-known: the redemption and revenge of the oppressed, the victims of the powerful organization criminal, in particular women deluded by empty promises of fame and then enslaved. So
Naomi Watts, lasciatasi initially duped by the promises of the boss, in turn promises to avenge the young victim and her mother abandoned the child, a victim of broken promises again. Everything revolves around a desire for revenge and redemption against injustice, and the center of this plot is the baby, the more helpless that life is endangered as the last bastion of hope in a world of corruption. But the more fragile is this life, the stronger will be its ability to win over evil, in the end it will be just the young nurse to regain lost motherhood raising to heaven the creature finally liberated from the yoke of Kin. But always remember that a film Cronemberg This is therefore nothing to final sweetened Hollywood worst violence is always lurking and waiting to find a new parent generation capacity. It's all in this powerful figure of Viggo Mortensen (exceptionally relentless and glacial), the driver then apparently reconsidered and scoffed at first hired as a pure caste mafia members, and then in turn be sold as a commodity. It will be the most extreme violence exemplified in the superb scene in the sauna, to replace everything in its place: the strongest eventually triumph, and, if necessary, do not hesitate to take the place of the fathers to continue the task of crushing evil of each other in every society that respects needs. There is no room for the weak, for the extraordinarily Vincent Cassel in part, the boss's son violent but inconclusive, but extremely fragile bully, who squirms and writhes in all its stupidity naive, preferring a fat laugh infanticide most vulgar.
short: a great film, powerful and exciting, much summa Film Cronemberg, including psychoanalysis, multiple identities, visionary struggles in the blood, but with a little more, humanity, hope, the power of motherhood and the social emancipation of women. Cast in a state of grace as rarely has the pleasure of seeing a relentless pace, the final poem.

Monday, January 7, 2008

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Paranoid Park

A boy skateboarding in Portland lover commits a serious crime, with its own table: a simple plot, but with a complex meaning. From the story, words, images, characters and settings from an emerging concept, that of the suspension.
In his latest film awarded by the jury at the Cannes film director Gus Van Sant tries to put a face to what appears to be the frame of our times. A frame from the soft edges, almost completely evaporated. The skate and adolescence are the symbols of the suspension. The board is, in fact, something that breaks the contact with the ground and at the same time eliminates the friction, thanks to the wheels you can learn to slide on any surface. Adolescence also represents the most uncertain phase of life, a period full of anxieties, where so many are frustrated aspiration from a state that sees the individual still powerless.
The director in a film devoid of great actors and spectacular location, in short, a modest film, manages to convey a sense of emptiness and loss that affects the unconscious of Western civilization.