Friday, October 3, 2008

How To Block A Number On Samsung Reclaim

Questa di Marinella è la storia vera
che scivolò nel
river in spring, but the wind that saw her so beautiful
from the river brought upon a star
Only without the memory of pain
you lived without the dream of a love
but a king without a crown and unescorted
knocked three times a days at your door
white as the moon on his hat as
love her red cloak
you followed him without a reason
as a boy follows a kite
And the sun was out and had beautiful eyes he'll
kissed your lips and hair
there was a moon and your eyes were tired
he put his hands over your hips
were kisses and smiles were
then there were only cornflowers
who saw through the eyes of the stars tremble
the wind and kiss your skin
They also say that while returning
somehow slid into the river
and he wanted to believe that you died a hundred years
knocked at your door
This is your song that you flew in Marinella

sky on a star and like all the finest things
you lived only one day, like roses
And like all the finest things
you lived only one day, like roses.



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