Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tinker Bell Cake Toppers

Amo le mie due città

I love walking in this city as a tourist, with the nose and eyes wide open. You lose a lot of wonders not looking up.
this season then ... You can see the yellow leaves falling off the foot, as if to say goodbye to your step with a little bow, the buildings, those 800, large, impressive but alive. In their windows reflects what's out there, life, what goes around, like a photograph.

I love getting lost in my city. Later that evening, when I return from work. A jazz music in the ears and the empty square, all to myself. I could run, scream, dance .. but I just walk with my smile, happy for that gift. One autumn evening, with a slight breeze caressing your cheeks, hands in his pockets, humming Hannah ..
is to be lost in moments like this ... and never come back.


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