Friday, June 25, 2010

What's Delsey Combination Lock?

Conferenza stampa

Here is another topic that appeals both to those involved in communication.
But what is really a press conference ?
organizers because? For whom?

So I say to order:
- what is it?
1 - used to communicate information with non-communicable ones, well done, Press Release
2 - is to present a preview of items, materials, objects

- why organize? For whom?
3 - to create a moment of exchange with the media, meet more people at the same time
4 - to offer experiences to the media, otherwise unavailable in any other way
5 - to enlarge the network of the media invited over territory belonging

But all the press conferences are like that? No.
Many were reduced to moments of repetition of the event programs, the curriculum of these two usual questions by journalists, display of logos and banners of the sponsors and, sometimes, a small buffet. But so are ?
My opinion is: almost nothing.

Increasingly, journalists give lump sum, the media devoted to the event or the initiative destination without the same space that the press conference, the organizers have lost face (who does not know why it's there) and press officers embarrassed not know what to invent.

suggest that companies, associations, institutions, professionals:
1 - seek the help of professional and honest, press offices, or training to do in order to draw up an effective c omunicato print and disseminate know ;
2 - not to organize more continuous press conferences if there is no value added ;
3 - you create a good network of contacts with the media formal and with opinion leaders;
4 - should they decide to proceed with a press conference to have clear and defined for what they are doing ;

may not be enough to get to know but will otherwise improve the distribution of information and the image of himself.

Maxine Cartoon On Cooking And Wine

Facebook e comunicazione

It 's true, it already feels a lot about communication on Facebook but can not resist the temptation to write too.
will be some months that I am part of the Social Network that will invest time in understanding how companies communicate with this facility, which will "study" the main uses that people make, what will be but two words I want to spend them .

What is Facebook? To communicate.
Well, then as for the whole community in general let us remember that every action, every word, every silence, every comment, every image is communication.
Everyone needs to be on Facebook? No. Or rather facebook can not all be the best solution.
Subscribe to Facebook as a company, partnership, corporation, professional requires to have been previously asked questions:
- who want to meet? Above all, I'm interested in meeting who is present on social network?
- what I mean? I have some interesting topics to share?
- how I can create a network?
- what added value I want to create me in the presence facebook?
- ho dei servizi dedicati agli utenti facebook? Ho degli argomenti particolari sui quali conversare?

Ma soprattutto, alle persone, agli "amici", ai "fan", interessano i miei argomenti?
E' davvero facebook lo strumento ideale per interagire con clienti effettivi o potenziali?

Spesso capita che piccole imprese o professionisti o associazioni vogliano essere presenti a tutti i costi su Facebook . E la mia risposta è sempre la stessa: perchè? cosa vuoi dire? chi vuoi incontrare? come lo vuoi incontrare?
Senza aver chiare queste risposte, per un'organizzazione è meglio soprassedere.

Altro problema. Chi lo sa davvero usare Facebook? Pochi, forse pochissimi.
Le aziende credono che basti crearsi una pagina. Ma come ci faccio arrivare gli utenti?
Organizzazioni, gruppi, associazioni, istituzioni pensano che basti "creare l'evento" per diffonderne l'informazione e l'invito. Ma quanti lo leggono? E quanto è veritiera la conferma di partecipazione?

Insomma ritengo che come ogni strumento interattivo abbia grandi potenzialità, ma non per tutti e non per tutte le situazioni.

Facebook non è le nuove pagine gialle, non è la rubrica del telefono, non è un album fotografico, non è mezzo di transizione di altri file, contenuti, video, non è solo questo. Attrezziamoci!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How To Make Toiletries Baskets

Sopravvivere senza FacciaLibro

And if I try to live without?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hip Scarf With Coins Toronto



This verb from its the idea of \u200b\u200bmovement (from and to something), but often we are faced to the use of the word in a more static as possible.

What do I mean?

I say that to push people to be attracted to my work from my choices, from my products by my actions I do not only say, and especially you can not stop the beautiful idea.

How does the public know? Where I meet him? I know how to tell?

The information that comes to each of us are many, too many times, and each of us select.

On what basis is the selection?

Based on the experience that I can live.

Only practice, the emotion, the feeling that impressed in the memory helps the promotion process.

promote their business not only make it known to more people , unconditionally. That would be too risky and not very durable. Just the first competitor with better ideas, more budget, best channels and its promotion would have to decline.

While considering the promotion as a conscious choice that will bring the company to rise in the preference ranking of each individual, this is being promoted.

This choice is more difficult to put into danger.

I can not tell people. Pick me because I'm good. At best: I invite you to see

king! or sit down to enjoy! O come and try! Etc. But considering a good form of communication.

To this end I want to mention initiative organized by a local restaurant.

How to regain trust in local? How to get him back among the choices of the public? How to speak of that space? How to recognize the strengths?

organizing a promotional dinner: affordable, limited menu, good company.

simple but choose a partner that can be followed up.

on large numbers but do not bet on Satisfaction (almost total) of the participants.

What you can not miss? Quality, service, smile.

Password: humility and courtesy.

This is promotion!