Friday, June 25, 2010

What's Delsey Combination Lock?

Conferenza stampa

Here is another topic that appeals both to those involved in communication.
But what is really a press conference ?
organizers because? For whom?

So I say to order:
- what is it?
1 - used to communicate information with non-communicable ones, well done, Press Release
2 - is to present a preview of items, materials, objects

- why organize? For whom?
3 - to create a moment of exchange with the media, meet more people at the same time
4 - to offer experiences to the media, otherwise unavailable in any other way
5 - to enlarge the network of the media invited over territory belonging

But all the press conferences are like that? No.
Many were reduced to moments of repetition of the event programs, the curriculum of these two usual questions by journalists, display of logos and banners of the sponsors and, sometimes, a small buffet. But so are ?
My opinion is: almost nothing.

Increasingly, journalists give lump sum, the media devoted to the event or the initiative destination without the same space that the press conference, the organizers have lost face (who does not know why it's there) and press officers embarrassed not know what to invent.

suggest that companies, associations, institutions, professionals:
1 - seek the help of professional and honest, press offices, or training to do in order to draw up an effective c omunicato print and disseminate know ;
2 - not to organize more continuous press conferences if there is no value added ;
3 - you create a good network of contacts with the media formal and with opinion leaders;
4 - should they decide to proceed with a press conference to have clear and defined for what they are doing ;

may not be enough to get to know but will otherwise improve the distribution of information and the image of himself.


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