Wednesday, July 7, 2010

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Comunicazione low cost

I learned yesterday that her friend Cristina Mariani has finished writing his second book Communication Low cost - from business cards to web ". You can read the article and download the Idice the book at this link .

The first book "Marketing low cost" was a real success, as I told you the strength to Cristina is writing about complex with the simplicity of those who do it with passion.

The new text will be an opportunity for many (small-medium businesses and professionals) to fully understand the benefits and tools and communication . But in particular the importance of communication when it is clear the objective, that is, when it was discovered their unique selling proposition and perform the segmentation required to identify the message ("What do I say, as I say") and means .

Nobody knows better about themselves and their company's activities, there are no super experts with the magic wand to solve problems and make about you. However, there are low cost tools to download, software to discover the network, applications to be known, and a method to learn.
Analyze the goal, schedule time, organize resources.
I assure you that you can do!


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