Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mature Wearing Girdles

Soddisfatti o rimborsati

Oggi vi voglio parlare di una realtà locale (di Verbania) che ho avuto occasione di scoprire e conoscere e alla quale voglio riconoscere due "importanti", anche se rischiose, operazioni di comunicazione, o meglio, marketing .
La realtà della quale vi sto parlando è La Bottega dei Talenti di Anna Mazzola (leggi articolo su Verbania News).
Una nuova realtà imprenditoriale, una sfida nel panorama locale, una sorta d'innovazione tra il teatro e il momento d'incontro, nella quale la parola ricorrente è GIOIA.

Ma aldilà dell'idea (che già è ovviamente una solida base di partenza per qualunque impresa) ciò I have hit some of their choices on the choices PRODUCT PRICE linked to play.
have not set a price, the price it chooses on the basis of the viewer rating. It 's a great demonstration of trust and generosity.

Another factor concerns the particular stage organized. Here the price is defined, but we communicate "If you are satisfied We cover" .
course it is not the phrase most innovative in the world, we have grown to claim "money back", but how rare is linked to an internship, a course in a workshop?
level of customer service that can be a winner. The participant to the Stage (customer) led to more daring, come to empathize with the organizers that offer the possibility to withdraw, establishes a relationship of trust.

short, two best practices of marketing and communications in a historical period in which to impress are not necessarily new tools or new marketing formulas, but sometimes it's easy enough to use with what the "story" gives us and teaches.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lucasville Flea Market Times

Social Media che fatica

Understanding Social Media is one of the challenges of the millennium for those who want to take care of marketing and communications.
And I am convinced that apart from a few cases of great experience, it is rare to be able to extricate between all instruments, i post, i fan, i follower, gli rss, i "condividi" che la rete mette a disposizione .
Ci sono ottimi professionisti, valide aziende, buone attività, eppure se si esegue una ricerca in rete non sempre li si ritrova.
Perchè non tutti sanno utilizzare le ripetute novità interattive che quasi mensilmente iniziano a "girare".
Continuo a credere e ne sono sempre più convinta che non per tutte le attività sia necessaria la iper-presenza, l'interattività a tutti i costi, la continua produzione d'informazioni .
Il rischio è investire molto tempo, senza alcun ritorno e con una grande confusione.
Ci sono settori vocati al web and social media, I think of tourism activities, to entertainment venues, the utility companies, the business activities that focus on the foreigner, who deals with events and communication, to large companies. But not all. Or rather, not all traditional businesses that just want to add a piece of their business.
Use the web and social media makes sense if you review the organizational setting of the farm or profession. Only then can become a valuable tool for survival or growth.
Making e-commerce strategy, update the blog is a job, write sensible things on facebook a commitment to understand the functioning of twitter takes time to know research tools requires a course.

I imagine every small business owner, every professional, every merchant, every hotelier who must deal with the network. And no matter whether it is Facebook, blogs, news search, the discovery of new potential customers, a website I think it right to take too long. So you might as well know right away if needed, what is it, who can help me.

And then? Once you do this, once tried to be current and modern, even with the lighter wallet, and the total absence of that agility to extricate himself from the tangle of the network what can you do?

answer is take a breath, take two steps back to the computer, sit back and take a pen and paper and write "is the network that serves to me or that I serve to the network?"
If you do not know the answer , better wait and use a little advice, if the answer is the network that serves me , then start to write: for what, what should I look for, how can I find me. In short, do not replace a social media marketing and communications plan, integrate it.
If the answer is that I am servant to the network (because it provides content), then the network is not your priority, it's good to be there, with peace and quiet, providing some consistent content, a good web site (and I say beautiful, but good), respond to any user. I mean for the network 1 hour per day, and maybe half a day once a week is enough.

facilititano innovations are important if the existence (although the company) if not complicated.
Never mind if you can not use twitter, foursquare, friendfeed, or otherwise, when it will be a need to learn, but without the anxiety of having to be aware of everything, immediately and by force.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Bitcomet Blocked Help

Parlano di me

Forgive the post. Usually, a good rule, speaking of communication, no incense, no point the spotlight on himself, but leave that, if appropriate, others do! Well, it is with great pleasure that I report the article written by my friend and colleague Richard Polesel in his blog. What I
generates more joy is to read my name in the context of article written by him.

There is talk of some people who know communication tools, not a "guru" of communication, we speak of those who try to work to understand business realities and not those of the "squeeze", he speaks of those who still believe COMMUNICATING that is just one of the steps needed field, not the panacea for all ills (my previous article) . It is especially for those who do not think you have all the answers already , but still many questions.

Thanks Richard!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Gay Hook Up Spots In Md

Comunicazione low cost

I learned yesterday that her friend Cristina Mariani has finished writing his second book Communication Low cost - from business cards to web ". You can read the article and download the Idice the book at this link .

The first book "Marketing low cost" was a real success, as I told you the strength to Cristina is writing about complex with the simplicity of those who do it with passion.

The new text will be an opportunity for many (small-medium businesses and professionals) to fully understand the benefits and tools and communication . But in particular the importance of communication when it is clear the objective, that is, when it was discovered their unique selling proposition and perform the segmentation required to identify the message ("What do I say, as I say") and means .

Nobody knows better about themselves and their company's activities, there are no super experts with the magic wand to solve problems and make about you. However, there are low cost tools to download, software to discover the network, applications to be known, and a method to learn.
Analyze the goal, schedule time, organize resources.
I assure you that you can do!