Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cervix High And Soft Before Period

"Prima o poi tutti i nodi vengono al pettine"

thought it was just a saying.
One of those stories that you tell when you're small.
But it happens. It happens.

nodes can arrive all at once or gradually. A day like any other.
And then the scallop, as it passes between his teeth, long hair, at some point it stops, as blocked.
A node.
A problem to be solved. Another
A skein to unravel. A
A riddle to solve.

say " Cabbages were not stories." All the "I told " are finally clean and clear.

"If you sit along the river bank to wait, sooner or later you'll pass the corpse of your enemy."

And slowly it is as if everything was awake from the torpor. Finally

Monday, October 19, 2009

Blue Bandana Clothing

Moving (again) Last night

Hello everyone!

The blog has moved to re-

Monday, October 12, 2009

Eyebrow Wax And Tanning

10 ottobre 2009 - Una serata speciale

Why is it important to be a team.
It ottongono wonderful results ..
I am moved ... Hand clapping and the smiles of all.
Their happiness makes me happy, infinitely.

Thanks for believing in me. It 's the best gift ....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bone Cancer In The Thumb


Every time I remove the bookmark from the novel I was reading, a strange feeling comes over me. As if all the hours people were part of me.
And every time I want to remind them I'll just take that book still in his hands and breathing in the scent ..

I want to write ...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Radio Shack Return Policy Without Receipt


It 's a strange world ... always fascinated me, and yet, every time, manages to disappoint me a little more.

It 's a world of sad people, that something is missing.
But I keep walking. A hard working "only" for a smile more.

In our hands there is all the infinite power of the mind. It would be nice to put it always at hand, with truth, honesty, joy and serenity. Having fun and embracing all that surrounds us, not to be alone up there. Height more generous but most despicable of all, if the infinite power of the mind we hide it and there we keep for ourselves.

Occasionally, however, is a struggle against the windmills ... deaf, blind and dumb.
And the scariest thing of all is not to see, is not heard ... you have nothing to say.
Now ?....

To see, hear, and say you must have a purpose, a mission for everyone. To save the beauty. To retrieve the smiles and make them fly high. To return each year to sing like the swallows.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How Do You Get A Rainbow Puffle


Having seen and heard millions of voices on television that tell of profanity, blood, fighting, guns pointed, arrests, a ban on free expression ... after seeing all this ... I looked at my life.

There is everything and a lot more than I ever dared hope.

And I feel happy. Joyful. Free .

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Homemade Newton Scooter Balloon

The last night is filled
stolen in a frenzy of images and memories piled
without any magic.

Last night
rushing time, we
a moment to steal a kiss
and grab a piece of heaven.

Last night
the hot summer wind
with sadness envelops us.
On the lips, even salt,
the ocean, already pale memory.

Last night
under these stars that touch the mind
together make promises that
forget to keep.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Css Launch Option -high

Chasing the wind

I tried to translate words in silence.

spent a lifetime chasing the wind.
My only food that fills the air

this time off.
My only home, immaculately

page on which
give my complaint.
I locked up the existence of
dense lines of pain
imprisoned in the gloomy soul afflicted

essence of a faded ink.
busily painting a dream
to fill the void ...
I forgot to exist.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Charges For Fake Id Ontario

Voglia di viaggiare

All leave should come
They share
Il rumore lontano del vento che vuole spingermi a partire
Vorrei ascoltarlo con tutto il mio cuore
Ma... c'è sempre un "ma"
E lega
Ma partirò
Non oggi
Ma sicuro partirò
per perdermi ancora in un NuovoMondo

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dragon Age Cant Load Save Game Dlc


Two pupils,
hand in hand,
forward plan;
from before the eyes
stands, severely
the austere building that
forgierà their minds.
have good eyes, full of childlike innocence
and proud of souls ready to do anything
to reach a goal.
They walk timidly
but without any fear;
know that their fate is not
yet been written.
I followed them, in the shadow of days

wasted and thrown ambitions.
I observe them, mesmerized,
with tired eyes;

irresistible desire to grasp those folders full of idle thoughts

lolling on shoulders
not yet sprung.
They climb the stairs,
I can not follow them,
the time is over for me
of hours spent on heavy volumes,

ignoring the words and inventing illusions ...
I stop at the foot of this staircase
entry into the world of tomorrow
for me is now prohibited.
will stay here, anxiously awaiting
a distracted child
lose the heavy burden

lying on his back in the balance. Only then will tend

ready to pick up the pieces of dreams not yet in vain.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Welcome Greeting From Church

Muto silence

I used to wield a pen like a deadly weapon, and with it

writing to vent anger and resentment
of pain on a piece of paper.
me punished for the ardor of my silent voice.
I can not explain otherwise

because the heart has exhausted all the words!
Melancholy, once
made me invincible. His company
filled the void of magic;
seized it with a
pen to transform it into thoughts
and not risk losing it ...
Now I know the immense loneliness.
E 'mute silence.
Clear the air where I left my complaint
hands, cold, swinging in the air, clutching a weapon
mouth, dry,
opens without a sound. I lived through

only fragments of a soul
printed in black and white over time. Now we have only

nothing more bleak.
The Muse does not speak.
My World is off.

(c) Eleanor Grana, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

How Long Does It Take For Ringworm

Men only (unpublished)

Sometimes they are not words.
hands are empty,
outstretched in the air, hungry,
anxiously waiting to be filled with inspiration that allows

to free themselves, and to impart the
soul forever

eagerly filling a canvas, or a piece of paper.
In those moments of gloomy silence,

when all that remains is a silent cry inside, then we cease to believe

to be poets, artists, or writers.
And there are only single men.
fingers, crushed,
grab anything.
Sometimes they are not words.
The mind loses its power and remains only
without possibility of release.

(c) Eleanor Grana, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What Does The Risk Bands Mean ?

Black Love (unpublished)

I was nothing, by your side
and now, without you beside me, life seems

a huge mistake.

was a love created by tears,
by blind hatred,
from nights of passion red. It was a love

of violent slaps, kisses in the dark

was a love of words unspoken,

rape of bodies and blood hug.

I had no name, nor a heart
only "your woman",
locked in a prison.

Suppressed by a black love
were my sweet protector,
and then an icy murderess,
were hell and heaven.

I was the shadow of a man who
me all it took.
And now, alone,
are not either.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jon Cryer Pay Per Episode

I tried to grasp the infinite (unpublished)

Dedicated to Abigail ... My little girl away

I tried to grasp the infinite.
I found myself with icy wind
between the fingers.

Amid the gray crowd
- that spot dirty, angry - I wanted
find a face that could give me comfort.

dreamed a glow in the dark
a beacon to guide me elsewhere ...
Exhausted, I lay on the white beach
I heard the sighs of the sea;
me spoke of distant worlds:
I had ever imagined.

The wind
as a lament,
silently led me
your sweet voice.

Beyond the horizon,
across the world, I
turned his eye,
and there, I found you.

An ocean - or perhaps a divine tears? -
denies us embrace
long desired.

Your face I've ever touched;
but your eyes know,
is what I always dreamed of ...
you, longed for that sun!

These words are my caress.
Imprimile in your heart, vast as the sea
you love watching ...

girl who lives in nothing
collect my tears,
dissolve the anger that burns you ...

Accept my distant
- ma non vano! - amore,
e abbatti il tuo dolore.

Tu sei il mio cielo.
E il solo tuo pensiero
mi fa sentire
d'avere l'infinito
tra le mie dita.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gamesharks Pokemon Orange

I have no heart (unpublished )

I have no heart
and I am proud of it -
If I had one -
Life would be misery!

My chest is just an empty shell.
And I don't care
if my body is cold -
I am already dead -
Don't you know?

I cannot love,
rage, I have never met,
I ignore the pain.
But I do not live in vain!

I can walk
and scream
and talk, it still works
this forgotten soul!

I dream of living
world made of ice.
Only there,

Where the sun does not shine, my angry mind

an illusion of peace
Would finally find.

do not have heart and I'm proud -
If I had one -
Life would be misery!


is only an empty shell.

And I do not care if the body is cold -
are already dead -
Do not you know?

I do not know what love is,
grudge, I never met him, I do not know
But I do not live in vain!

I can walk,
and scream, and talk
still exists,
forgotten soul!

dream of living in a world of ice.
Only in that place where the sun never shines
, the
my furious mind

an illusion of peace would last.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Braziliam Post Partum Girdle

There's a ship on the horizon (unpublished)

There's a ship on the horizon, there
where the sun is dying. Who knows where it will

... His goal, though
appears to me the only salvation.
I look back,
the night falls,
his stony silence, yes
reminds me of home.
The moon - my friend! -

already smiling at me with melancholy.
This is my place.
Anchored to the ground,
enveloped by darkness.
At sea, far away, my dream cast
ships no longer sail.

(c) Eleanor Grana, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Is The Steak And Cheese A Regular Sub

Go away (unpublished)

not have ever dreamed of flying away, away?
Make love for hours and hours


of life that moves and breaks the spell? Constantly screaming

and release resentment
forced to choke?
Embracing the moon every night

caresses our love and become one with it ...
There is nothing to fear, we could escape
two secret lovers,
a black cloak protects us ... The next morning we

surprise there,

in that place where the plant turns
in a clear ocean, where every complaint

becomes the grain
's a white sand,
on which our tired bodies
can finally rest
and find peace.

(c) Eleanor Grana, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Seriennummern Pinnacle Tv

Woman and Moon

I'm not a breast
the fruit of her womb. Not

are weak and delicate flesh,
born to be touched.
are no smiles in that gray days

shines on my face. I'm not laughing

that fills the air when the sky gets dark and apparently
lost hope.
I'm not the creature who cries and despairs

if the world does not accept it.
I'm not the snake that tempts you
, seductive, and he hurts you with poison

light hidden in the body. Not only is this

but I'm a blue moon shining
but delightful.
shines with reflected light,

donated by a sun that rules the world. Only in darkness

I lie awake ...
A inventing dreams
to build tomorrow,
to rock gently
the man who falls asleep.
Unaware he closes his eyes and does not know

my light that shines with power.

(c) Eleanor Grana, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

Omline Will And Testimony

Sunday, March 1, 2009

What Stores Can I Find Double Finger Rings

Passion (unpublished)

I spent a night

the morning all that remains is a grim pallor

and a mind without color.
From your skin has already disappeared

my smell.
In my heart your memory

burns without shame.
You broke my silence, my
touched every corner,
want all my moaning ...
But you have not been able to look inside

to this body but still immature
so old inside.
(c) Eleanor Grana, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hook Up For People With Herpes

And here I am, to start all over again from the beginning. For various reasons I decided to quit my
old blog (which I have not intention to delete) and start writing again in this new space.
I am Eleanor. A girl like many others, maybe not.
am a novice writer. I hope to become a "real" writer.
I have never particularly loved the presentations. This is why from now on to minimize talk and I will let my poems and my texts to speak for me.

Since this is my first post on this blog, let me share with you a poem to which they are most fond of. With this text, entitled "Come find me, 'I won my first writing contest and published my first book, a collection of poems the same title .

Come find me: I was there

where it ends the day and the moon reigns.

I find

where silence reigns and does not recognize color;
beyond the fog thickens.

will walk to a dead end, where the sounds are heard

and the light never shines;
the edge of the world.

recognize me
following the bitterness of my tears
intense smell,
certainly not an off-beats of the heart.

Over there you'll find, O Lord, the soul
vagante e smarrito,
il corpo ormai lacerato,
della figlia che hai dimenticato.

Vieni a cercarmi:
perduta ancor non sono!
Sospesa tra luce e morte,
delle tue calde parole
voglio udire il dolce suono.

Vieni a liberarmi!
In esto luogo troppo ho vissuto,
la prova è finita!
E io ancora sono viva!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What Do Hand Signs Mean

C'è che ormai che ho imparato a sognare non smetterò

14 FeBbRaIo 2009 - PalaSharp - MiLaNo

Emozioni uniche..
Una magia infinita
Grida, sospiri, mani al cielo,
abbracci, baci rubati, mani intrecciate,
salti al ritmo dei battiti del cuore.
E poi le note di una canzone che non avevo mai sentito..
.. mille voci che cantavano all'unisono.
Le lenti a contatto sono affogate nella commozione di un attimo infinito.
Il finale perfetto. Noi abbracciati ai nostri amici più cari.
Sorrisi intrisi d'affetto. Veri, sinceri.
Among a blow that I take and I give a blow from a friend and I lose a friend that if I fall once when I fall and floor, there m'alzerò
that there now I've learned to never stop dreaming
Harmony dedicated "to the most beautiful women you .."
words for us.
you and me endlessly intertwined.
Your breath in mine, your lips warm energy, happiness.
Everything is gone. As if we were just us.
Pau we devoted one of "our" songs.
Together, the life you know you are good as is, but it burns in the veins and living together is a thrill a cure serenity and courage, fear and adventure, to live together, together, together, together ... to you.
And everything is so perfect ..
It 's like your hands would have taken me in,
in my chest,
push into the most beautiful of all the thoughts,
jack hand ..
.. together we jumped in the air ..
and we ended up
not worry 'nothing
and' life that only comes into
the fire that burns your blood
and that 'the soul
Can' does not even like the world
or maybe he does not like you
however this is' another story
this and 'Hemingway
E abbiamo fatto un patto.
Con i nostri sguardi,
senza parole,
solo i tuoi nei miei.
E seguiremo alla lettera la più bella delle dediche..
Pace amore e GIOIA INFINITA…
Grazie amore mio per il regalo più bello di tutti..
.. noi..
.. I abandon you and if you cure '
Medicine as we do not invent ever
we are members
I'll give you all my love
Six same as me but no
you are like me in every atom.