Sunday, May 30, 2010

What Can Be Used On Scabs Inside Nostrils?


Today I want to talk about the VALORE . Il valore che viene associato al prodotto da parte del cliente.
Questo perchè mentre scrivo offerte per i clienti mi chiedo sempre, ma qual'è il valore che il cliente attribuisce al mio bene/servizio?

Nello specifico fare un'offerta per la vendita di uno spazio pubblicitario su un quotidiano online nato da 4 mesi è un'impresa titanica.
Il valore attribuito dal cliente è generalmente più basso del valore reale di tale prodotto.

Questo perchè?
- perchè è un prodotto intangibile
- perchè è nuovo
- perchè non esistono termini di confronto
- perchè return on investment in advertising costs is difficult to measure

But how can I fix this problem? This applies to all sectors, and especially for material goods.
must identify the "right" price for each customer, that is what it is willing to pay.

means to segment the market, differentiate their offerings based on the target, have different ranges of products for different customers with different price ranges (and therefore cost).

must identify the real value perceived by customers through benefits that the product / service is able to offer . That is, understanding what the customer expect and how we can meet. Without having to perform excessive discounts, cancel margins, underestimate costs. And to better understand

also go to the trouble brand concept. What do I mean when I talk about basket of attributes?
Put simply means that collection of factors that are able to build the brand identity . But what I'm talking about?

- The tangible aspects of the brand
- of how consumers want to be viewed using the brand
- self-image that the consumer that the brand
use of this possibility - the relationship between brand and consumer

All aspects from which it can not be for whatever properly defined what the customer is willing to spend .

is why many consumers are willing to pay higher prices or lower for similar or substitute products to those of our company. It 's all a matter of tangible and intangible benefits it receives from the purchase of our product.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mikä On Kaikkein Romanttinen Rakastelu Idea?


Stimulated by a 'friend today I want to talk about the decisions marketing communications. She pointed out why many stores (one in particular his observation) opened yet in a few months after they are aware of.
Often the problem is communication. O comunque dati per verificati tutti gli altri parametri quali: localizzazione, prodotto, analisi di mercato. E dopo aver deciso di fare gli investimenti in affitto, acquisto, eventuale mutuo, attrezzature, personale, arredamenti, ecc. Come l'azienda può farsi conoscere? E da chi?
Individuato il segmento o i segmenti di clienti interessati è ora di programmare la comunicazione. E non è vero che ci vogliono sempre grandi budget.
Programmare la comunicazione vuol dire definire gli obiettivi e scegliere gli strumenti. Quali strumenti? Pubblicità, promozione alle vendite, relazioni esterne, organizzazione di eventi, marketing diretto.
Per una nuova attività può essere utile analizzare quali instruments or media are most appropriate to achieve its target and then think of a targeted investment in advertising.
But it can not be just that. The advertising is great, but each of us every day he receives too many stimuli in order to be able to catch them all.
might want to think of using social media to begin to be known by the target audience, creating a network that will help the communication process. Following
organize events and activities of the store .
beginning it is important to talk about their company, and not disappoint the expectations that are being created.
In this way you build a communication spontaneous. They will be the customers themselves who will have the pleasure of talking shop, and why not to promote him to network and share experiences of purchase.

While the strategy of "shooting up the gate and the customer comes" does not work. Not today, not unless you are in the center, not whether the product is sold that is not to satisfy a basic need, if you do not already have business with the same or substitute products.

We try to use the resources available.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Prayer For The Faithful Wedding

Penetrare nel mercato

This language is what we usually use in marketing when you are faced with companies that want to increase sales of existing products in existing markets (for example, increasing primary demand for the product, attracting clients of the competition, or through joint ventures). But you may also have development strategies focused on products or markets .
And today I want to talk about a 'local company SYNERGY Zero9 . It 's a company founded three years ago for the sale of coatings, flooring, fixtures. By the time you grew up different markets, from consumer to the intermediary professional (new segments), the local market to market extra-territorial (geographical expansion). Up to introduce new products (Windows, extension of range of health, "green" products, etc.) and to allocate markets already served by the (extension of product range) and for new niche markets (acquisition of new product ranges).
The development and evolution of the choices have been accompanied by investment firm to the improvement of point of sale and implementation of a showroom necessary to present the proposed products.
Recently, the growth strategy is evolving, not just confined to product and market strategies but to SUPPLY (ie upstream) and process of supplying the product (ie downstream). Choose to integrate Enterprise Deployment increasing the services offered is a strategy in response to the needs of end customers to meet their needs more effectively.

Just a few examples:
- bathroom remodeling in only five working days (from the demolition, construction of hydraulic and electrical systems, installation of finishes up the installation of sanitary and disposal of any inert material). Anything preceded by the visit of the showrooms and the choice of materials with expert staff and creation of graphic designs.
OBJECTIVE: make life easier for the customer, reduce time and cost of project execution, best final result
- construction and renovation "turnkey" possible through the network of artisans and professionals that the company has created
POINTS STRENGTH: to reduce the search time of the customer, lower costs, meeting deadlines, improved coordination in execution of works, the customer has a single source.

The company took that to meet the market need to offer integrated products, full service, quality, diversify the supply and always looking for new strategies.

I personally believe that among the success factors there are: humility, listening to quality, attention and dedication to professionalism and passion.
Obviously I think there is also room for improvement, but what else would I be here to do ?!?!?!

For the results we let the customer speak.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Wedding Menus Wording

Il marchio è nella mente

I often find myself having to explain that not enough to have a nice logo for having created its own brand. The mark of any company, even the smallest, is created in the mind of the customer .
And 'what the customer expects and receives the image of the company that generates . And so after a series of contacts between customers and suppliers with the exchange, with a planned community and the services provided.
Especially in the case of physical goods generate the key factor for the brand is scheduled communication through various media of communication to the market.

why, especially today, should plan their communication needs (since the media have grown and changed), it is essential to monitor the review (the rumors) that customers of the company (because customers have more tools to interact with each other and the outside) and you need to tell whether the image the company wants to convey is actually what is perceived by people. There

I make an example of a local restaurant.
This place is born a few decades ago, with a clearly defined mission, develop the culture of food slow food, promoting food quality, research and service.
For some years the place has changed management and the current owner makes every year a number of efforts to try to win customers from all segments to retain .
The error perhaps is not to be able to generate a 'strong identity . And especially not being able to keep it alive in the minds of customer.
The customer is satisfied? The value for money to satisfy his expectations? What is the image that the customer has? E ', the company managed to create a brand that differentiates itself from competitors by product, service and communication? But above all
customer remembers the brand ? And how do you remember?

To answer these questions you are looking for:
- to generate a communication schedule, which starts a communication from insertion to "wake up" the memory of the client and to develop awareness of the potential customer;
- to leverage services offered: taxi home for customers, proximity to a dock for boats;
- to create customer interaction.

E 'should not be overlooked:
- the' organization of events New or register for the local
- familiar identity development, authenticity and beauty of the location;
- the gastronomic depending on the market and offer the best quality / price;
- differentiation from the competition and collaboration with the other local;
- the continuous assessment of customer satisfaction;
- the presence of the room.

The product must support the brand identity but it is what you communicate and how we do it that is the birth of the image.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ohio Drive Without License


Today I want to talk about the experience of a friend: Giulia Massera. Original Italian, English by adoption.
since 2003 and living in England for several years has left his job to devote himself to his passion: fashion.
But it is a common designer, not a course of study defined and delineated in the field, does not follow standard rules.

She uses recycling as a form for REGENERATE their own style and
propose ideas to interested persons. It has created a network to develop a community of "creative people" and promote the concept of individuality in fashion.
Thus were born, nel 2009, due realtà web: Shicon e Refashinos o

Shicon e' una nuova community-network di designers, da tutto il mondo, che amano sfidarsi giornalmente in competizioni di design a tema libero o su temi ad hoc (definiti anche da Marchi Internazionali).
Refashinoso è il sito di raccolta e divulgazione di tutti i Tutorial creati per diffondere l'arte del riciclo legati alla moda.

I fattori vincenti alla base di questi progetti sono:

  • be present
  • use the web and new media (to create, to share, to sell, to communicate)
  • high involvement and interaction (sharing of ideas, ability to interact)
  • propose a unique and individual (each winning entry is made in limited numbers)
  • highlight issues of sustainability and recycling (to regenerate the style through new ideas)
  • strengthen the concept of networking and sharing of ideas

All this, combined with tenacity and enthusiasm of Julia, and generates business is turning these ideas into real business realities. Increasingly rely on brands Shicon to create unique products, are increasingly interested in the reality of sustainability and require the ability to organize workshops, more media and websites interested in these subjects by ensuring the network to promote and spread, again more people involved in ideas and download the tutorial, increasingly emerging artists and designers are interested in the creativity of Giulia.

So we are faced with a case from concept to completion we are all the prerequisites for a 'successful business .

All thanks to the development and strength of the network .