Friday, May 14, 2010

Prayer For The Faithful Wedding

Penetrare nel mercato

This language is what we usually use in marketing when you are faced with companies that want to increase sales of existing products in existing markets (for example, increasing primary demand for the product, attracting clients of the competition, or through joint ventures). But you may also have development strategies focused on products or markets .
And today I want to talk about a 'local company SYNERGY Zero9 . It 's a company founded three years ago for the sale of coatings, flooring, fixtures. By the time you grew up different markets, from consumer to the intermediary professional (new segments), the local market to market extra-territorial (geographical expansion). Up to introduce new products (Windows, extension of range of health, "green" products, etc.) and to allocate markets already served by the (extension of product range) and for new niche markets (acquisition of new product ranges).
The development and evolution of the choices have been accompanied by investment firm to the improvement of point of sale and implementation of a showroom necessary to present the proposed products.
Recently, the growth strategy is evolving, not just confined to product and market strategies but to SUPPLY (ie upstream) and process of supplying the product (ie downstream). Choose to integrate Enterprise Deployment increasing the services offered is a strategy in response to the needs of end customers to meet their needs more effectively.

Just a few examples:
- bathroom remodeling in only five working days (from the demolition, construction of hydraulic and electrical systems, installation of finishes up the installation of sanitary and disposal of any inert material). Anything preceded by the visit of the showrooms and the choice of materials with expert staff and creation of graphic designs.
OBJECTIVE: make life easier for the customer, reduce time and cost of project execution, best final result
- construction and renovation "turnkey" possible through the network of artisans and professionals that the company has created
POINTS STRENGTH: to reduce the search time of the customer, lower costs, meeting deadlines, improved coordination in execution of works, the customer has a single source.

The company took that to meet the market need to offer integrated products, full service, quality, diversify the supply and always looking for new strategies.

I personally believe that among the success factors there are: humility, listening to quality, attention and dedication to professionalism and passion.
Obviously I think there is also room for improvement, but what else would I be here to do ?!?!?!

For the results we let the customer speak.


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