Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mikä On Kaikkein Romanttinen Rakastelu Idea?


Stimulated by a 'friend today I want to talk about the decisions marketing communications. She pointed out why many stores (one in particular his observation) opened yet in a few months after they are aware of.
Often the problem is communication. O comunque dati per verificati tutti gli altri parametri quali: localizzazione, prodotto, analisi di mercato. E dopo aver deciso di fare gli investimenti in affitto, acquisto, eventuale mutuo, attrezzature, personale, arredamenti, ecc. Come l'azienda può farsi conoscere? E da chi?
Individuato il segmento o i segmenti di clienti interessati è ora di programmare la comunicazione. E non è vero che ci vogliono sempre grandi budget.
Programmare la comunicazione vuol dire definire gli obiettivi e scegliere gli strumenti. Quali strumenti? Pubblicità, promozione alle vendite, relazioni esterne, organizzazione di eventi, marketing diretto.
Per una nuova attività può essere utile analizzare quali instruments or media are most appropriate to achieve its target and then think of a targeted investment in advertising.
But it can not be just that. The advertising is great, but each of us every day he receives too many stimuli in order to be able to catch them all.
might want to think of using social media to begin to be known by the target audience, creating a network that will help the communication process. Following
organize events and activities of the store .
beginning it is important to talk about their company, and not disappoint the expectations that are being created.
In this way you build a communication spontaneous. They will be the customers themselves who will have the pleasure of talking shop, and why not to promote him to network and share experiences of purchase.

While the strategy of "shooting up the gate and the customer comes" does not work. Not today, not unless you are in the center, not whether the product is sold that is not to satisfy a basic need, if you do not already have business with the same or substitute products.

We try to use the resources available.


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