Sunday, May 30, 2010

What Can Be Used On Scabs Inside Nostrils?


Today I want to talk about the VALORE . Il valore che viene associato al prodotto da parte del cliente.
Questo perchè mentre scrivo offerte per i clienti mi chiedo sempre, ma qual'è il valore che il cliente attribuisce al mio bene/servizio?

Nello specifico fare un'offerta per la vendita di uno spazio pubblicitario su un quotidiano online nato da 4 mesi è un'impresa titanica.
Il valore attribuito dal cliente è generalmente più basso del valore reale di tale prodotto.

Questo perchè?
- perchè è un prodotto intangibile
- perchè è nuovo
- perchè non esistono termini di confronto
- perchè return on investment in advertising costs is difficult to measure

But how can I fix this problem? This applies to all sectors, and especially for material goods.
must identify the "right" price for each customer, that is what it is willing to pay.

means to segment the market, differentiate their offerings based on the target, have different ranges of products for different customers with different price ranges (and therefore cost).

must identify the real value perceived by customers through benefits that the product / service is able to offer . That is, understanding what the customer expect and how we can meet. Without having to perform excessive discounts, cancel margins, underestimate costs. And to better understand

also go to the trouble brand concept. What do I mean when I talk about basket of attributes?
Put simply means that collection of factors that are able to build the brand identity . But what I'm talking about?

- The tangible aspects of the brand
- of how consumers want to be viewed using the brand
- self-image that the consumer that the brand
use of this possibility - the relationship between brand and consumer

All aspects from which it can not be for whatever properly defined what the customer is willing to spend .

is why many consumers are willing to pay higher prices or lower for similar or substitute products to those of our company. It 's all a matter of tangible and intangible benefits it receives from the purchase of our product.



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