Friday, April 30, 2010

Leather Sofa Broken On One Side How To Fix It

Piccole attività, grandi volontà

As you know, to me, marketing is a passion, it amuses me, excites me, fills my head every now and then but I can give great satisfaction.
I really believe in simplicity, in return in the beginning, there is honesty placed a good deal of the success of the choices made by companies.
Today I want to mention two cases of activities with which I work: Santy Style (hair salon) and Artefiori (floral design).

As you can see I have indicated in brackets for the definitions that are now used on business cards, signs, websites, etc..
But what they want to convey? Because many companies are convinced that to give himself a tone must have a title, a classification "trendy"?

Perhaps this was true a few years ago, now we must recall the origins, the foundations of any "trade", the true meaning. Being able to forward passion: the passion in doing, that goes beyond words.

So what you think? To meet the needs. But what? In these cases
Esteem needs and need for affection (the third and fourth place in Maslow's hierarchy of needs).
E 'showing respect to our customers that we get confidence, "touches" that made him happy.

But how? Thinking back to the simple things.

Santy Style (Santina in life) has chosen to increase from month to month their training to ensure an increasingly high-quality, revived the craft of hairdressing as one that gives you the total board migliorare l' immagine, il look, la stima di sè .
E non solo, da questo mese, tutti i mercoledì apertura serale sino alle 22. Importante per coloro che lavorano lontano e al sabato vogliono dedicarsi ad altro.

Artefiori (nella persona di David Zonta) unisce alla sua naturale capacità artistica di "trattare" i fiori una continua ricerca di miglioramento e professionalità.
Il suo punto vendita può essere ormai riferimento per chi richiede allestimenti speciali, per la realizzazione di mazzi personalizzati, per l'acquisto di piante e fiori recisi ma soprattutto per chi crede che il fiore sia bellezza, semplicità, quotidianità .
Transforming the purchase is not an occasion, not a necessity but in the normality.
And how is it possible? Using the lever price.
between products, but to ensure quality products with simple packaging, with no additional labor costs, which are accessible to all. No longer the flower as a luxury item, but as a gesture of affection for themselves or for others.
Offering solutions suitable to become a natural complement to every house, every office and every room.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Quicktime Control Bar Black


I have already mentioned in my previous post ( The customers are no longer 'what it once ) Cristina Mariani and his book "Marketing Low Cost" Now I want to point out the course that will start next month.

This is a pilot course which are open for pre-registration "How to best use the Internet to search for information on customers, competitors and market trends" .
view low cost, the price of the course it is.

I think it is a great opportunity for all small-medium sized businesses and professionals who need to approach the theme of ' market analysis. It 'a very important area for the optimization of business performance. And you
abandon the idea that marketing needed to make much money or that it is a waste of time.

This course will be only the beginning of a more complex path that will integrate various business disciplines and thus be able to meet the current needs of SMEs and even professionals. Article

I have reported you can find all the information to contact Cristina Mariani. For more details and tips are available at info (at)

Why Does Wax Spark In Microwave


FreeStyle who followed the event last night and anyone who reads my blog knows what I'm talking about. We made the first
FreeStyle Reloaded. It 'was a success!

FSR aims to promote events that create networks of relationships united by the themes of recharge: recharge energy emotional encounter with other people, charging in the sense of being recovered as the exchange of books, how to learn new knowledge or charging practices forget , charging as a way to charge companies for new ideas and a direct relationship with the user / client.

In p rogramme, in addition to bookcrossing (book exchange), all'armocromia evenings dedicated to the production of fashion accessories and household material risciclato, exchange of CDs, re-use of materials by changing the destination etc..

Our events are itinerant.
in different spaces, places and moments to capture the different needs and be a means of promoting communication and new low-cost.

Join the virtual interaction creates real encounter, when possible, a closer relationship.

Some have asked me to organize events or initiatives of this kind at his own farm or local level. Here we come! To arrange a

at home or in your local write to info (at) or call 347/6446152.

23aprile2010 of Participants: 80 people
Satisfied : all
Elapsed Time : 3 hours
Strengths: Meeting people, exchanging books, play a pre-different evening, promotion of a business that many do not know, create a network with other business partners.
Limits : prices agreed before pouring or dispensing services or selling promotional products

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dallas County Parkland Eye Clinic


Back from a morning training at SDA Bocconi is full of incentives and new perspectives. The title of the conference (free) was: "New media, Social networking and Trust: Challenges and opportunities for marketing .
What I find most relevant is the focus on the concepts of loyalty and trust from the customer to the company. Concepts from which one can not ignore in business if you want to get a positive performance.
In a digital environment such as today, it becomes even more important to integrate business processes with a communication and an attitude designed to generate loyalty and to generate even more confidence.

As emphasized in the classroom, the fidelity is given by two components: cognitive and behavioral. The cognitive component is the trust . Trust means do not doubt for a client company's, fear not to be disappointed and the company means to stabilize the relationship with the client and isolated from competition.

The loyal customer, has high level of confidence in the company, is one who buys and who independently re-promotes the product or service.

E 'to this level of relationship which is facing the future of the company, however small.
's mission is to define a CUSTOMER ADVOCACY , a true "vocation" in relation to the goods of the customer.
Sometimes this can also lead to the council not to buy, to make a comparison of prices, make sure the product is most suited to their needs, etc.. But this virtuous behavior generates attitudes towards the company and behaviorists.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Exantema Maculopapular


Today I take an editorial that we posted on Verbania News in which he cites an example of marketing "staggering."
Even when it comes to local marketing why forget the fundamentals of the discipline?
Perhaps because it is always exciting to communication but a little more complex, and sometimes boring, do analysis, involve the "team" to think of the product, evaluate the price, etc..

Created the brand and created the logo. But what for? To go where?
It 's a bit like if a company's home did an advertising campaign based entirely on the claim "The pot of the future" but if you go in the company can not find any new product, or that meets the requirements of the communication.
If we ask an employee or employee details this looks at you with surprise and do not answer.

Then the client feels mocked, the employee is not considered and the company has made an investment useless or harmful.

The company that does so risks losing credibility.

would perhaps be better to investigate whether other companies operate in a similar field (competitors to launch new products or have similar ideas), if the product to be created is interesting and may meet a need (is it useful? Improves the appeal company? embraces another market segment?), if the price that is proposed is fair compared to the market (the aim is elite? is expected to total quality? you think at a high price compared to many services efficient?) if the whole company is involved in the project and shares choices, and then design the product .
At this point communication (image building, "the Web, the PR, events, etc.)

The first major customer is the internal customer . It 'a resource to bring in more.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Generator Heads Canada


When studying marketing teach you that one of the fundamental pillars of the marketing business operating there is COMMUNICATION.
So I always tried to understand and try to explain that communication is important, it is important to share in the company what you want to communicate, that communication can not be ignored if you want to improve prodduttività company with the statement that only makes explicit what is implicit.
And I never cease to repeat that communication and dialogue, and provides interaction and interactivity.
What is communication?
business card, letterhead, personal shopper, the website, ads, blogs, public relations, sponsorship, etc. ....
But what purpose?
Here and there, usually, the problems start. Not knowing the objective, what you want to convey? Who?
Then the need to understand that not all the communication tools are good for everything and everyone and especially not all the means possible to reach the target of interest to the company.
It 's true that the integrated communication is a resource . But we must clearly define the market, the resources, the expected return.

Years ago I came across a customer, a spa , who wanted at all costs a website, gadgets and "something" to increase the flow of customers.
I tried to explain that it was necessary to analyze the market, even in small, to understand the competition and analyze the potential segments. I tried to say that we could not ignore existing customers, it was worth investing in these and grow, that customer service was better, in his case, a very good investment in communication.
Instead, the owner, was determined to will the site and external communication.
I do not have it done. I dropped the shot. It was not serious. Far invest in the health club that wanted to would have been useless.
And so the center in question made by a professional make an excellent web site, has made advertising on bus transport urban activity has advertised through the circuit of the bakers, adhering to the sponsorship of the paper bags that bakers use to their customers. He has created personalized postcards that serve as good gifts, has business cards (reminders for customers) of good quality.
I do not know what the center has invested in this, but the problem is what is your target? Since the average prices are high because the sponsor bread bags? Since the image you want to convey is chic and sophisticated because advertising on public transport and especially what to do with a website. It 'a window, but what added value?

Oggi il centro benessere esiste, ma i clienti esistenti non sono soddisfatti.
Clienti che negli ultimi anni hanno usufruito di alcuni servizi lamentano insoddisfazione e peggioramento della qualità. Eppure la gestione è la medesima e i prezzi anche, forse un pò più alti.
L'errore sta nel non investire nel servizio interno, nella relazione, nello svolgere relazioni pubbliche, nel non occuparsi dei clienti acquisiti.
Non c'è servizio di accoglienza, il personale non è sempre esperto, nello spazio relax si trovano gli stessi libri di tre anni fa, i biscottini insieme alla tisana non esitono più (o meglio te li porta la ragazza che ti ha appena fatto il massaggio che nel frattempo è scesa dal panettiere e te li "svuota" davanti direttamente dal sacchettino), mentre il cliente è in sala relax può capitare che la ragazza pulisca l'area adiacente con tanto di guanti e aiax.

Insomma in questo modo è facile che i clienti non siano felici, e un cliente non felice non torna e un cliente che decide di non tornare non fa buona promozione all'azienda oltre a diminuirne il fatturato.

Questo per dire che non basta comunicare , bisogna capire come e con quali strumenti.
Mantenere coerenza tra ciò che si promette e ciò che si può mantenere.
Investire qualche ora in più in relazioni e nei dettagli piuttosto che qualche euro in più in strumenti poco effecaci.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Metal Desert Eagle Bb Gun


inspired by the book, Chapter 6 of the friend Cristina Mariani "Marketing Low Cost" .

In this chapter you, in addition to providing compelling content and easy-understanding concerning the analysis of customers, provides tools and practical examples to test and improve customer service.

The key concept is: customers are not all redditizzi . We know how to do an analysis of the profitability of the customer? We can apply the necessary measures to improve service or to "eliminate the expensive customer?
worth thinking about, this is true not only for large companies, but also, and add in particular, for small to medium enterprises.

Many times I hear companies say, "we will have too many customers", "I can hardly keep up with all customers on how much work we have," "The agenda is full of appointments, I could almost get new customers "," today the shop was full all day, "" I can not even keep up to make new estimates from the demand that we have. "
So why these same companies have no profits to be dizzy? Why barely cover the expenses? Why am I in trouble every day with no real economic growth?

There may be several aspects to consider, and I do not want to sound too simplistic, but the answer may lie in the failure analysis of customers . Often the customer

that requires more effort and more time is less profitable.
Consider the time you invest in caring for him, as costs for telephone calls, many meetings, what is the amount of their purchases, how many bank interest paid to each of its outstanding RIBA, how many reminders you need to do, how much assistance you require, etc. ... And if these costs exceed the return obtained from that customer must have the courage to lose.

If you have checked that it worked seriously and professionally, if you are unsure of your availability e del servizio prestato, se potete controllare la chiarezza in quanto offerto, ecc.. allora è proprio il caso di eliminare il cliente .

Non è facile, lo so.
Ma migliorare il servizio e la qualità per i "buoni" clienti , genera clienti MOLTO soddisfatti e sono solo loro a ripetere gli acquisti e a fare passaparola.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jammed My Knee Playing Basketball


Ho parlato di servizio , ho parlato di relazione , e ho parlato di rete .
Come posso non citare il marketing interno ?
Già proprio quel processo che porta a coinvolgere e ad investire sulle persone che operano nell'azienda and with the company.
speak from experience of small and medium businesses and professionals (and others).
How can we keep the promises of if not an increase in actions taken? How can the company plans to grow if not strengthens its network ? How can a company be successful if there is within satisfaction or there is no communication?

I worked for an agency, which reigned in no particular order: complaints, role conflict, teasing.
Causes: ambiguity of roles, salaries not equally distributed, lack of training, inadequate recognition, disorganization.
This has created dissatisfaction, poor reputation, lack of communication of corporate values, abandonment, loss of customers, carelessness on the part of employees.
The result of the crisis.

It 'really important that the "staff" have estimate company, which is proud to work in it that respects and is respected by the Management, who feels gratified and can grow.
E 'profit that the company understands who he is dealing with. To motivate employees you must involve them according to their aptitudes and skills, it is essential to help them carve out a role, understand in what direction the company is moving.

not need to follow le tendenze, allinearsi alle tecnologie, essere sul web, avere un'immagine coordinata impeccabile, se poi il collaboratore non ne riconosce il valore, non le sa usare e non ne è interessato.
Perchè fuori dall'ufficio è un' opinione negativa sull'azienda .

Quando mi capita di dirlo alle aziende, queste mi rispondono "che fanno già molto", "che non saltano mai uno stipendio", "che lasciano massima libertà ai loro dipendenti", "che loro non hanno di questi problemi", "che i collaboratori dovrebbero impegnarsi di più", "che loro non hanno tempo da perdere in riunioni perchè altrimenti come portano a casa il lavoro".
E quando mi dicono di volere essere presenti on social networks. I wonder: do your employees think about that? Are affected? I can handle this communication? Are they already? The answer may be: "get used" or "we who use them to promote the company," and so on.

And then I think: I have not explained .

Plastalina How Toharden


Going beyond the transaction that is the report?
Sometimes I wonder, as a customer and as an entrepreneur.
And since my direct customers are the companies, I am often easier to find ideas to talk about marketing and communications.
The report, but this stranger so named.
The markets are mature, and companies are complaining of not knowing how to attract more customers.
grows as the importance of creating lasting relationships with existing customers and be ready to keep its promises to new customers .
A clarification is a must, customer is not only the buyer , who concluded that the transaction, but also and above all, the customer is internal customer (the employee, the employee, etc.) and the supplier is considered customer .
By this I mean that the company is important for consistency between actions and communications, including advertising and customer service, image and indoor climate.

Ad esempio:
- oggi avevo un appuntamento con un potenziale cliente, una nota azienda che commercia materiale per il fai-da-te, arredo giardino, utensili, ecc. Prendo la mia auto, dopo circa mezz'ora di viaggio raggiungo il luogo dell'appuntamento e mi accoglie una cortese impiegata. Peccato che lei non sappia perchè io sia lì e a quanto pare neppure il titolare (con il quale avevo l'appuntamento) dal momento che se n'era andato via.
Io per quell'azienda oltre che fornitore, sono anche cliente effettivo o potenziale.
Che opinione posso farmi sull'affidabilità di tale azienda?
Come posso riporre in essa la mia fiducia ?

Le aziende sono sempre più impegnate a risolvere "problemi" technical, bureaucratic, administrative, economic, but often forget that the most important resource , one that can guarantee the image and development, is the person .

And if the problem is memory, there are diaries, organizers, white boards, calendars, technology and above all attention.

Monday, April 12, 2010

2010 Minnesota Crp Form


Looking around I realize that small-medium businesses that manage to be successful are those that have integrated the sale with the provision of services increasingly integrated.
What do I mean?
no longer enough to be good craftsmen, or have a good product or be professionally up to date or have provide the latest news that the market offers, or do their work or be serious and prepared.
It takes more. Because the offer is increased to make a difference and we need to go beyond the concept of production. The
customer needs to make less effort as possible .
The proposals are too many, the information even more, and often these are not so clear.
equal product is the service that makes the difference. That
integrate sales with services including free and to facilitate their "life" of the consumer, before purchasing, that during but also after.

For example:
- a store that sells gourmet products can be expected to integrate its corporate communications through the production of brochures to be distributed free in-store to give advice and ideas on using the products. And create a blog or a facebook page where daily interacts with users to dispense recipes, trivia and news. Organizing time to taste and buy at lower prices. Provide telephone or web order and delivery.

And all this must not be forgotten other important factors or possible strategic and operational marketing :
- diversification (I can be of interest to other market segments?)
- decisions communication (as a community? What tools do and how I use them?)
- internal marketing (the best seller for the company is its employee / employee happy)
for success in the management of customer relations.

Let's think about the service not as a duty but as a culture .
I think it can work!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Garment Rack Suitcase


It is no coincidence that the customers are less loyal .
is not uncommon for companies to meet their financial obligations, neglect the attention given to the customer.
But how can it be a satisfied customer one could hear, neglected, ridiculed, ignored, undervalued. On the basis of which choice
the company devotes more attention to one or other ?
It's really an analysis of priorities, is able to determine the profitability of each customer is able to distinguish the good from the least?
But above all know what the good and the least? Often the answer to all these questions is no.
I often find that companies focused on customer "apparently" have greater purchasing power .
But in the end are those that really do grow small and medium enterprises, craftsmen and professionals? The evidence shows
How much should expose the company to meet the demands? When unable to have all payments on time? Perhaps before
prefer a client rather than another is ask yourself these questions.

And in front of the customer acquired, the "small" , what the company has already addressed one or more times what the company can generate positive reputation, one that needs some attention for non-minimum be disappointed, the one who pays on time, what is rarely controversial, for this customer when it's time, when we learn not to disappoint his expectations, when you meet?

What's missing?
- clarity in the sale (prices are clear and transparent contracts defined, precise estimates)
- after sales service (service, verification, etc.)
- punctuality and organization (missed calls, appointments late, never mail responses, lack of planning, failure to communicate , etc.)
- kindness and generosity

Some simple solutions:
- for a florist, if a customer (already acquired) orders by phone a bunch of flowers would be best to know what amount to spend and do not want to deviate. Because in most cases the final price generates the negative
wonder - for an insurance company or a bank: if a customer (with more bills or current accounts) announces a change of residence would be better if the data were updated in a very short time and still incorrect after almost a year
- for a plumber: If a customer (for which you have already worked) calls, it would please answer , assessing applications and plan visits and possible repair
calendar - for a restaurant: if a customer (more than once received) returns, it would be respectful and remember that maybe you know what you prefer

It 's true that the customer is not the only one and is not unique, but sometimes you just saperglielo say and remember.
Try the service to balance the competition when you can not act in terms of technical and economic.

Maybe then the customer will be happier!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Quicktime Southpark Episode


Sant Jordi: a book, a rose, a toast was born Reloaded Freestyle

Friday, April 23, from 18 to 21, at La Pesa ongoing Cobianchi first aperitif "reloaded."

Exchange of books: our version of the Catalan tradition of St. George

Do you have a book you would read to the other, or one that you failed to finish, or one that unfortunately you are finished. A nice book and never open. In short, whatever the reason, come with a book on April 23 dalle 18 alle 21 alla Pesa in corso Cobianchi, potrete scambiarlo con quelli di altri appassionati lettori che hanno deciso di “aprire” la propria libreria.

Il concetto è semplice ed è analogo a quello del “bookcrossing” (lasciare un libro in un posto perché altri lo leggano): venite con un libro ve ne andate con un altro libro che vi ispira. Uno scambio di libri davanti a un aperitivo tipico e a km zero. Con qualche “reading” e la simpatia di FreeStyle.

E per le donne l’omaggio di una rosa da parte di Artefiori . La tradizione catalana vuole infatti che il giorno di San Giorgio (Sant Jordi), il 23 aprile, le donne gift a book to men and receive the gift of a rose.

Love and literature, a beautiful image bound by tradition. Jordi, the patron saint of Catalonia, is, in fact, considered the patron saint of lovers, since legend has it that the dragon defeated Jordi in defense of a princess, and dragon's blood came from a red rose, a gift of love to the girl.

A special day on April 23 also for the history of literature. On April 23, 1616 is the day that killed two of the greatest authors of all time: William Shakespeare and Miguel Cervantes. This is why UNESCO is celebrating the April 23 World Book Day.


FreeStyle Reloaded is a new kind of culture and promotion. Reloaded recharge in the sense of spirit, emotion, culture, thoughts, but also action in the sense of re-use, promoting a escosostenibile due to the potential of not only virtual network of relationships that arise around issues and FreeStyle Daily News Verbania.

FreeStyle Reloaded organize events and initiatives at different locations, all linked by a different way of being together, sharing a project based on the strength of a network.

For those interested in more information please contact me a

Gradita conferma alla partecipazione. Grazie!