Tuesday, April 6, 2010

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Sant Jordi: a book, a rose, a toast was born Reloaded Freestyle

Friday, April 23, from 18 to 21, at La Pesa ongoing Cobianchi first aperitif "reloaded."

Exchange of books: our version of the Catalan tradition of St. George

Do you have a book you would read to the other, or one that you failed to finish, or one that unfortunately you are finished. A nice book and never open. In short, whatever the reason, come with a book on April 23 dalle 18 alle 21 alla Pesa in corso Cobianchi, potrete scambiarlo con quelli di altri appassionati lettori che hanno deciso di “aprire” la propria libreria.

Il concetto è semplice ed è analogo a quello del “bookcrossing” (lasciare un libro in un posto perché altri lo leggano): venite con un libro ve ne andate con un altro libro che vi ispira. Uno scambio di libri davanti a un aperitivo tipico e a km zero. Con qualche “reading” e la simpatia di FreeStyle.

E per le donne l’omaggio di una rosa da parte di Artefiori . La tradizione catalana vuole infatti che il giorno di San Giorgio (Sant Jordi), il 23 aprile, le donne gift a book to men and receive the gift of a rose.

Love and literature, a beautiful image bound by tradition. Jordi, the patron saint of Catalonia, is, in fact, considered the patron saint of lovers, since legend has it that the dragon defeated Jordi in defense of a princess, and dragon's blood came from a red rose, a gift of love to the girl.

A special day on April 23 also for the history of literature. On April 23, 1616 is the day that killed two of the greatest authors of all time: William Shakespeare and Miguel Cervantes. This is why UNESCO is celebrating the April 23 World Book Day.


FreeStyle Reloaded is a new kind of culture and promotion. Reloaded recharge in the sense of spirit, emotion, culture, thoughts, but also action in the sense of re-use, promoting a escosostenibile due to the potential of not only virtual network of relationships that arise around issues and FreeStyle Daily News Verbania.

FreeStyle Reloaded organize events and initiatives at different locations, all linked by a different way of being together, sharing a project based on the strength of a network.

For those interested in more information please contact me a info@cristinasavi.it

Gradita conferma alla partecipazione. Grazie!


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