Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Garment Rack Suitcase


It is no coincidence that the customers are less loyal .
is not uncommon for companies to meet their financial obligations, neglect the attention given to the customer.
But how can it be a satisfied customer one could hear, neglected, ridiculed, ignored, undervalued. On the basis of which choice
the company devotes more attention to one or other ?
It's really an analysis of priorities, is able to determine the profitability of each customer is able to distinguish the good from the least?
But above all know what the good and the least? Often the answer to all these questions is no.
I often find that companies focused on customer "apparently" have greater purchasing power .
But in the end are those that really do grow small and medium enterprises, craftsmen and professionals? The evidence shows
How much should expose the company to meet the demands? When unable to have all payments on time? Perhaps before
prefer a client rather than another is ask yourself these questions.

And in front of the customer acquired, the "small" , what the company has already addressed one or more times what the company can generate positive reputation, one that needs some attention for non-minimum be disappointed, the one who pays on time, what is rarely controversial, for this customer when it's time, when we learn not to disappoint his expectations, when you meet?

What's missing?
- clarity in the sale (prices are clear and transparent contracts defined, precise estimates)
- after sales service (service, verification, etc.)
- punctuality and organization (missed calls, appointments late, never mail responses, lack of planning, failure to communicate , etc.)
- kindness and generosity

Some simple solutions:
- for a florist, if a customer (already acquired) orders by phone a bunch of flowers would be best to know what amount to spend and do not want to deviate. Because in most cases the final price generates the negative
wonder - for an insurance company or a bank: if a customer (with more bills or current accounts) announces a change of residence would be better if the data were updated in a very short time and still incorrect after almost a year
- for a plumber: If a customer (for which you have already worked) calls, it would please answer , assessing applications and plan visits and possible repair
calendar - for a restaurant: if a customer (more than once received) returns, it would be respectful and remember that maybe you know what you prefer

It 's true that the customer is not the only one and is not unique, but sometimes you just saperglielo say and remember.
Try the service to balance the competition when you can not act in terms of technical and economic.

Maybe then the customer will be happier!


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