Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jammed My Knee Playing Basketball


Ho parlato di servizio , ho parlato di relazione , e ho parlato di rete .
Come posso non citare il marketing interno ?
Già proprio quel processo che porta a coinvolgere e ad investire sulle persone che operano nell'azienda and with the company.
speak from experience of small and medium businesses and professionals (and others).
How can we keep the promises of if not an increase in actions taken? How can the company plans to grow if not strengthens its network ? How can a company be successful if there is within satisfaction or there is no communication?

I worked for an agency, which reigned in no particular order: complaints, role conflict, teasing.
Causes: ambiguity of roles, salaries not equally distributed, lack of training, inadequate recognition, disorganization.
This has created dissatisfaction, poor reputation, lack of communication of corporate values, abandonment, loss of customers, carelessness on the part of employees.
The result of the crisis.

It 'really important that the "staff" have estimate company, which is proud to work in it that respects and is respected by the Management, who feels gratified and can grow.
E 'profit that the company understands who he is dealing with. To motivate employees you must involve them according to their aptitudes and skills, it is essential to help them carve out a role, understand in what direction the company is moving.

not need to follow le tendenze, allinearsi alle tecnologie, essere sul web, avere un'immagine coordinata impeccabile, se poi il collaboratore non ne riconosce il valore, non le sa usare e non ne è interessato.
Perchè fuori dall'ufficio è un' opinione negativa sull'azienda .

Quando mi capita di dirlo alle aziende, queste mi rispondono "che fanno già molto", "che non saltano mai uno stipendio", "che lasciano massima libertà ai loro dipendenti", "che loro non hanno di questi problemi", "che i collaboratori dovrebbero impegnarsi di più", "che loro non hanno tempo da perdere in riunioni perchè altrimenti come portano a casa il lavoro".
E quando mi dicono di volere essere presenti on social networks. I wonder: do your employees think about that? Are affected? I can handle this communication? Are they already? The answer may be: "get used" or "we who use them to promote the company," and so on.

And then I think: I have not explained .


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