Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Metal Desert Eagle Bb Gun


inspired by the book, Chapter 6 of the friend Cristina Mariani "Marketing Low Cost" .

In this chapter you, in addition to providing compelling content and easy-understanding concerning the analysis of customers, provides tools and practical examples to test and improve customer service.

The key concept is: customers are not all redditizzi . We know how to do an analysis of the profitability of the customer? We can apply the necessary measures to improve service or to "eliminate the expensive customer?
worth thinking about, this is true not only for large companies, but also, and add in particular, for small to medium enterprises.

Many times I hear companies say, "we will have too many customers", "I can hardly keep up with all customers on how much work we have," "The agenda is full of appointments, I could almost get new customers "," today the shop was full all day, "" I can not even keep up to make new estimates from the demand that we have. "
So why these same companies have no profits to be dizzy? Why barely cover the expenses? Why am I in trouble every day with no real economic growth?

There may be several aspects to consider, and I do not want to sound too simplistic, but the answer may lie in the failure analysis of customers . Often the customer

that requires more effort and more time is less profitable.
Consider the time you invest in caring for him, as costs for telephone calls, many meetings, what is the amount of their purchases, how many bank interest paid to each of its outstanding RIBA, how many reminders you need to do, how much assistance you require, etc. ... And if these costs exceed the return obtained from that customer must have the courage to lose.

If you have checked that it worked seriously and professionally, if you are unsure of your availability e del servizio prestato, se potete controllare la chiarezza in quanto offerto, ecc.. allora è proprio il caso di eliminare il cliente .

Non è facile, lo so.
Ma migliorare il servizio e la qualità per i "buoni" clienti , genera clienti MOLTO soddisfatti e sono solo loro a ripetere gli acquisti e a fare passaparola.



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